about us
We qualify as a broad-based black economic empowerment (BB-BEE) company.
AWCA Investment Holdings (AIH) is 100% black woman owned, where shares are held by natural persons. The shareholders are 53 black women majority of whom are CAs, captains of industry and spread across different sectors and provinces. This makes AIH a unique, professional women investment company with depth of financial skills, key to all businesses.
We have a diversified investment portfolio.
AIH Capital Private Equity
aih capital
AIH Capital is the fund manager of AIH Fund I, a generalist private equity fund focused on the mid market. The majority shareholder of AIH Capital is AWCA Investment Holdings, a 100% black woman owned company with over 50 black women shareholders who are mainly CAs and captains of industry. AIH Fund I makes equity-related investments in companies that are primarily mid-sized and privately held. Portfolio companies are in various industries, exhibit quality operations and strong management, with attractive growth and return prospects. We drive women empowerment through our investments.