Reef Tankers awarded the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier award.
We would also like to congratulate one of our shareholding partners, Reef Tankers on being awarded the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier award. This award is in recognition of their year-on-year increase, with regards to their performance of their responsible care programmes and for sustaining a high safety, health and environmental performance over the last three year period.
The award was presented to the company at a function held at the Johannesburg Country Club where members of the Chemical and Allied Industries Association’s gathered. The CAIA, is an association that forms part of a worldwide network of Chemical industry associations, which seek to promote the continuous improvement of performance in the safety, health and environmental arenas, as well as to boost productivity and competitiveness of the chemical and allied industries in South Africa.
AWCA Investment holdings is very proud of this achievement by Reef tankers, and we are delighted to be associated with a company that puts matters such as health, safety and environmental arenas at the forefront of their concerns.